A long look at the Stagg Tree

Take a minute to inhale Alder Creek’s Stagg Tree, the fifth largest known tree in the world. Strength and resilience in the face of many challenges.


About the author

Since 1918, Save the Redwoods League has protected and restored redwood forests and connected people with their peace and beauty so these wonders of the natural world flourish.

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11 Responses to “A long look at the Stagg Tree”

  1. anaundda elijah

    I wasn’t sure what I was feeling or how to find peace. After watching this and seeing this beautiful, resilient tree, I don’t feel so alone. The forest is with me.

  2. Norma Campbell

    Thank you so much, redwoods especially ones like this one make me cry, also make me realize just how small and ungrateful the human race can be. I agree with Matthew, above, a longer video maybe an hour, for the big screen could be such a wonderful pacifier.

  3. Pamela Clark

    Beautiful tree!

  4. Elizabeth Lal

    Thank You for this…breath taking! A beautiful reminder that we will make it through this time! Deep appreciation for the work you do Save The Redwoods League!

  5. Fred Rinne

    Every day that tree stands is a good day.

  6. Kay Graetz

    SUCH a feeling of peace! How lovely! I could almost smell them! Thank you so much!

  7. Suzanne Roberts

    I love every tree we have in our parks & national forests. Coastal redwood top my list. I’ve plants hundreds in places land for shade beauty & oxygen & possible flowers any good idea for me in Aguanga Ca for forest trees?

  8. Deanna Davenport

    Thank you for posting.

  9. John Mallory

    I agree …lets save the redwoods………….Jack and Sue Mallory

  10. Ramona Raybin

    How did you get such a stunning photo of the Stagg tree?

  11. Matthew Salcius

    just what I needed during this week of staying inside. if you had a longer video I could play on a big screen that would be awesome!


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