We Thank Our Global Community for Our 2019-20 Successes

As we look back on the accomplishments of Save the Redwoods League during our 2019-20 fiscal year, we thank our supporters for making them possible. Considering how drastically the world has changed, it is satisfying to see that the work we did in the past year has helped us prepare for the challenges we face today, from severe wildfires in our redwood parks, to the pandemic and resulting hardships, to unrest over injustice and inequities in our nation.

In a time of great uncertainty, we are healing our natural systems and helping the redwood parks heal us. Our 2019-20 annual report details the accomplishments we’ve achieved together. We purchased Alder Creek, the world’s largest privately owned giant sequoia forest. And on the heels of that stunning success, we joined forces to protect Cascade Creek, a forest of young and old coast redwoods linking the Santa Cruz Mountains and the Pacific Ocean.

We moved forward with Redwoods Rising, our bold initiative to set a vast landscape of young redwood forests on a path to old-growth forest vibrancy. We advanced our work to ensure that people of all backgrounds and identities have access to our redwood parks and preserves. And we’ve deepened our relationship with tribal communities and introduced the redwoods to new generations of students from Oakland and Northern California.

From all of us at Save the Redwoods League, thank you for joining us to protect California’s most inspiring landscapes for future generations.


About the author

Since 1918, Save the Redwoods League has protected and restored redwood forests and connected people with their peace and beauty so these wonders of the natural world flourish.

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One Response to “We Thank Our Global Community for Our 2019-20 Successes”

  1. Greg Pennington

    These Thank you messages are very classy and special. I give to a lot of organizations and not all of the them are as great at saying Thank You. I feel very appreciated. I want all of you to know that I really appreciate the work you do to save the redwoods and I will continue to support you


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