Save-the-Redwoods League

2007 Redwood Education Grants

Save-the-Redwoods League is pleased to announce the availability of Redwood Education Grants for 2007

The League is dedicated to supporting K–12 teachers, environmental educators, and interpretive naturalists in their redwood education efforts. Grants are available for a wide range of projects, including curriculum development, outdoor education trips, continuing education, and stewardship.


Redwood Rings

» Grant Guidelines
» Previous Grant Recipients

Current areas of special interest include:

  • developing innovative approaches to sharing redwood resources and/or taking advantage of emerging technologies
  • utilizing non-traditional approaches to make the redwood forest accessible and relevant to all
  • demonstrating mechanisms for others to replicate redwood education programs
  • measuring the effectiveness of redwood education programs

Grants are awarded to qualified organizations engaged in projects that encourage public awareness of redwoods, redwood ecology, and forest stewardship. Grant awards typically range from $500 - $3,000; exceptional projects may be awarded up to $5000. Larger proposals with matching funds are welcomed.

Applications are due Friday, June 29, 2007

Thank you for your continued work to educate others about the redwoods. Please feel free to forward this information to others who might be interested in applying. If you have any questions about the Redwood Education Grants Program, please contact Susan Ingersoll, Education Program Manager. We look forward to sponsoring many strong projects this year!

K-12 Redwood Education materials are also available upon request; email Susan Ingersoll.

Save-the-Redwoods League

Save-the-Redwoods League is exempt from Federal income taxation under Section 501(C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended. © Save-the-Redwoods League 2006

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