League plants giant sequoia seedlings on severely burned ridge at Alder Creek

Seedlings were provided by the U.S. Forest Service

After the SQF Complex fire burned through significant portions of our Alder Creek property last year, Save the Redwoods League last week returned to the site to plant giant sequoia seedlings in areas that saw the most severe wildfire. The project was led by League Counselor and Science Committee member Robert A. York, and supported by the crew at FRST Corp. 

The fire killed about 80 of the nearly 500 monarch giant sequoia on the property. Seedlings were planted around 12 of the dead trees along a ridge that experienced the most severe wildfire.

giant sequoia planting
League Counselor Robert York plants a giant sequoia seedling on the League’s Alder Creek property. Photo courtesy FRST Corp.

The goal of this planting was to make sure a new cohort of giant sequoia is established post-fire in a high severity area where there was little seed drop and no seed trees. The seedlings came courtesy the U.S. Forest Service, which found itself with extras after doing another project in the area. We took advantage of the opportunity to get the seedlings in the ground in perfect conditions. While it will likely be a few centuries before these seedlings gain monarch status, adding this layer of young trees to the grove will improve the forest’s diversity and health.

giant sequoia planting at Alder Creek
Seedlings were placed near giant sequoia monarchs that were killed in the SQF Complex fire.

Learn more about the League’s Alder Creek property here. We’ve got big plans for it.

About the author

Since 1918, Save the Redwoods League has protected and restored redwood forests and connected people with their peace and beauty so these wonders of the natural world flourish.

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