From our Blog
Can the giant sequoias recover on their own?
by Juliet Grable onDiscovering dawn redwoods on Nami Island
Advocating for Redwood Forests
The League is embarking on a Centennial Vision for Redwoods Conservation that will double the size of the protected redwood forests, put young forests on the path to becoming magnificent old-growth stands, and connect people to these magical places through magnificent parks. Realizing this vision will require all of us who love the redwoods to get behind this ambitious effort.
Redwood Connect Grants
Since 2000, Save the Redwoods League has awarded more than 300 grants for redwood field trips and we are seeking community, school and park partners again this year to deliver in-park inspiration.
Redwood Land Program
The League protects the ancient redwoods and the forest landscapes that sustain them and restores young redwood forests so they can become the old-growth forests of the future. Learn more about how we protect and restore redwood forests, and see a list of our completed projects.
Research Grants
Save the Redwoods League supports basic and applied scientific research on the biology and ecology of coast redwood and giant sequoia forest ecosystems.
Redwood Genome Project
The Redwood Genome Project will develop modern forest inventory tools based on genetic sequences that can be used by forest managers for the conservation and restoration of coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) and giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) forests.
Redwoods Rising
Redwoods Rising, a new collaboration between Save the Redwoods League, the National Park Service, and California State Parks, will greatly accelerate the pace of redwood forest recovery and help protect Redwood National and State Parks' remaining old-growth groves.
Redwoods Rising Apprenticeship Program
The primary goal of the Redwoods Rising Apprenticeship is twofold: to provide a career development opportunity for the next generation of natural resource managers, and to boost capacity for Redwoods Rising restoration projects. Apprentices are hired every year from Cal Poly Humboldt and College of the Redwoods.
Redwoods and Climate Change
We are studying the impacts of climate change on redwoods’ growth, carbon storage, and forest biodiversity. In partnership with researchers from Humboldt State University, UC Berkeley and Natureserve and community scientists like you.