The Countdown is On to Save Red Hill

A spectacular tree is among Red Hill Grove’s 110 ancient giant sequoia. Photo by Paolo Vescia
A spectacular tree is among Red Hill Grove’s 110 ancient giant sequoia. Photo by Paolo Vescia
The League has negotiated a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to purchase and protect the pristine 160-acre Red Hill property — one of the last ancient giant sequoia forests still in private ownership. However, we must complete this deal by June 25!

Giant sequoia are incredibly rare, thriving in only 73 groves on the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada. Most of the remaining giant sequoia have been protected, ensuring these critical forest ecosystems thrive into the future.

Some of these groves are protected — but not all.

Red Hill’s wild and mountainous forest is home to some of the largest, oldest, and most magnificent trees in the local forest complex. Giant sequoia and coast redwoods play a vital role in combating climate change by sequestering more carbon per acre than any other forest types on the planet.

Today, they are potentially threatened by development. Your generous support, combined with the support of other redwoods supporters, makes it possible for us to save majestic trees. Please give today!

The property owner’s mother, Isabelle, had the foresight to purchase and protect this land nearly 50 years ago, and with your support, we can carry on her legacy and down the line, add to the acreage of Giant Sequoia National Monument.

We can’t miss an opportunity like this. And time is running out to protect these ancient trees now and long after you and I are gone. Giant sequoia can live to be over 3,000 years old. Now is your chance to become part of their long history.

Please donate today so that we can complete the purchase of Red Hill.

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Thank you for helping to protect one of the most inspiring landscapes on Earth.

About the author

Tim Whalen serves as the Chief Development Officer and has over 20 years of fundraising leadership experience in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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2 Responses to “The Countdown is On to Save Red Hill”

  1. Bill Moore

    I made a small donation a week or so ago. I was wondering if you are going to make your target to purchase Red Hill?


    • Save the Redwoods League

      Hi Bill,
      We’re so happy to report that with support from donors like you, we were able to purchase the Red Hill property and ensure the protection of one of the world’s last privately owned ancient giant sequoia forests. Thank you so much. You can learn more here:


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