What a Difference a Year Makes

Snow on the ground at Alder Creek creates an otherworldly landscape
Winter at Alder Creek. Photo: Victoria Reeder

Wow. This was truly another year for the books. We wondered how we could possibly top our centennial year, and thanks to all of you, we did it.

Together, we achieved so much:

  • Secured the opportunity to purchase 530-acre Alder Creek, the last large privately owned giant sequoia property left in the world.
  • Acquired the 28-acre Mistier and 34-acre Nesset properties. Along with our BathHurst and Miller properties, these critical pieces connect protected lands between Redwood National Park and Humboldt Lagoons State Park, and will add 92 acres to the national park.
  • Presented pioneering research on young redwoods’ potential in storing carbon to help mitigate climate change, as well as carbon storage capacity and growth trends of giant sequoia.
Three people testing burn in forest
Prescribed burn at our Beaver Creek property near Calaveras Big Trees State Park. Photo: Anthony Castaños
  • Kicked off the Grove of Titans project, which will improve visitor access and experiences in one of the most glorious ancient redwood groves on Earth.
  • In partnership with the National Park Service and California State Parks, completed the compliance phase of Redwoods Rising and started restoration work on the ground to restore young redwood forests in Redwood National and State Parks (RNSP) to old-growth form and function.
2019 Redwoods Rising Apprentices.
Redwoods Rising apprentices and field leads in the Greater Mill Creek project area. Photo: Ryan Thompson
  • Secured more than $12 million in public funding for unprecedented projects in RNSP that will restore historically logged forestland and connect people to the parks’ wonders.
  • Raised more than $680,000 at our annual Take Me to the Trees celebration for our education and parks support programs. These funds will benefit thousands of students and millions of park visitors with improved access, education, and amenities within redwood parks.
  • Brought the forest’s magic to around 10,000 students through the new distance-learning program, Giant Sequoia PORTS at Calaveras Big Trees State Park (in partnership with California State Parks), and provided redwood park experiences for 9,000 primarily under-resourced youth via our education grants program.
Interpretive specialist Jenny Comperda helps broaden learning through digital redwood science programs at Calaveras Big Trees State Park.
A Calaveras Big Trees State Park ranger shares the magic of giant sequoia with students from around the world. Photo courtesy of California State Parks.
  • Surpassed our $50,000 fundraising goal during Giving TREESday, our take on Giving Tuesday. Donations were matched by the Bently Foundation.
  • Shared the story of the redwoods with people in every state in the US and dozens of countries around the globe through news coverage in many major California newspapers, national and international media outlets, and network news.

This is all just the tip of the iceberg, but these highlights are proof positive that our work to protect and restore redwood forests and connect people to their beauty and power has a huge impact on both our forests and our communities.

Thank you all for your support, for inspiring us with your passion for the redwoods, and for helping us secure their future. You have made all the difference, and these accomplishments will continue to benefit our iconic forests for generations to come.

Though, of course, the work doesn’t stop here. We know we can count on you to be shoulder-to-shoulder with us as we continue to elevate our work year after year. Now, rest up before gearing up for the next level in 2020. You’ve earned it. Happy holidays to you and yours!

About the author

Since 1918, Save the Redwoods League has protected and restored redwood forests and connected people with their peace and beauty so these wonders of the natural world flourish.


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