The Once and Future Forest: California's Iconic Redwoods is a limited-edition commemorative Centennial book.

In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Save the Redwoods League, Heyday is proud to present The Once and Future Forest: California’s Iconic Redwoods, a stunning book that showcases both the grandeur of the redwood ecosystems that sustain California and the deep love they have engendered in scientists, writers, artists and the general public.

The Once and Future Forest: California's Iconic Redwoods limited edition book.

At the heart of this celebration are five new essays by Gary Ferguson, David Harris, Meg Lowman, Greg Sarris and David Rains Wallace. These pieces discuss a multitude of topics, including the fascinating science of redwoods, the League’s history of redwoods conservation and the big trees’ significance to indigenous cultures. Learn more about the authors and their essays on our Giant Thoughts blog.

“Redwoods are among the most incredible living things in the world. Their forests have stood on this Earth for millennia, since long before humans evolved. To walk among them is to experience the incomparable majesty and beauty of the tallest and largest living things. Yet these stately ancient giants might have been lost forever had it not been for the dedication and passion of Save the Redwoods League.” –– Save the Redwoods League President and CEO Sam Hodder, Introduction, The Once and Future Forest: California’s Iconic Redwoods

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