Alder Creek Planting, May 2023

The 2020 SQF Complex Fire burned at such a high intensity in parts of Alder Creek Grove that 200 large large giant sequoias and their seeds were killed. Of that, 80 were lost on the Save the Redwoods League-owned property.
By Smith Robinson Multimedia, courtesy of Save the Redwoods League.
The 2020 SQF Complex Fire burned at such a high intensity in parts of Alder Creek Grove that 200 large large giant sequoias and their seeds were killed. Of that, 80 were lost on the Save the Redwoods League-owned property.
By Smith Robinson Multimedia, courtesy of Save the Redwoods League.
The 2020 SQF Complex Fire burned at such a high intensity in parts of Alder Creek Grove that 200 large large giant sequoias and their seeds were killed. Of that, 80 were lost on the Save the Redwoods League-owned property.
By Smith Robinson Multimedia, courtesy of Save the Redwoods League.
Alder Creek Fire Damage
Alder Creek (Pre-fire)
Alder Creek B-Roll
Winter Package:
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Summer Package:
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