Author Archives: Len Mazur

Len Mazur is a senior Humboldt State University, pursuing a degree in Environmental Sciences and Management in Ecological Restoration and Botany. This summer, Len is working with Save the Redwoods League as a Redwoods Rising Apprentice on the botany crew.

Redwoods Rising Botany Apprentice, Len Mazur, gazes up at the towering canopies of ancient coast redwood while mapping invasive plant species in Prairie Creek. Photo by Ryan Thompson

Notes from the North: Restoration in Action


This summer launched the first season of the Redwoods Rising Apprenticeship, adding capacity to the effort of landscape restoration in Redwood National and State Parks. Len Mazur, a student at Humboldt State University and Redwoods Rising Apprentice on the botany crew, writes about his experiences helping to restore this fragile and resilient landscape.