education grants

Wilderness Arts and Literacy Collaborative

Apply Now: Education Grants Available


Save the Redwoods League is accepting applications for our Education Grants Program for the 2019-2020 school year. A single school field trip or outdoor family experience can have a lasting impact on youth at any age. That is why the League makes it a priority to connect youth to the redwoods, so they can experience and study these awe-inspiring forests.

Photo by Allendale Elementary School

Apply Now! Redwood Education Grants


Education Grants Program gives $100,000 every year to various schools, non-profits, and parks throughout the redwood range to enhance redwood education programs and bring more people to our iconic forests.

Fresh Air music video by Sergio Herrera and Jose Hernandez

Redwood Education Grants Program


One of our grantees, the Humboldt County Office of Education, worked with students this year from Fortuna High School’s videography class to create “art” in the redwoods after learning about redwood ecology.

Two children walk down a fern-lined path in a foggy redwood forest

Smallest Kids, Tallest Trees


A highlight of my job is visiting the many education programs that we support through our redwood education grants. This year we supported 24 parks, schools and non-profits so they could bring over 6,000 students to our beautiful redwood forests. …

Sixth graders in LandPaths' environmental education program work to restore the redwood forest.

Students Learn About Restoration


On a cold December morning, I arrived at Rancho Mark West in Sonoma County to the sight of twenty-two sixth graders huddled in a circle beneath towering redwood trees. They were listening silently as their instructors explained how they were …

My “Best of” List for 2013


As 2013 comes to a close, it’s that time again for the “best of” lists to come out.  You know—the best movies of the year, the best music, etc. Since I started my job here at Save the Redwoods League …

Time to Get Our Kids Back Into the Forest!


For many people, September symbolizes the start of school: time to pack away the camping gear and get out the pencils, paper and backpacks. Vacations in the redwoods come to a close and are replaced by the routine of shuttling …