green workforce


On the Front Lines of Redwood Forest Restoration


A recent partnership was announced between the State of California and the U.S. Forest Service, which will work together on state and federal forests and rangelands to reduce wildfire risks, restore watersheds, protect habitat and biological diversity, and help the state meet its climate objectives.

A long line of people wearing yellow, white, and blue construction hats walk through ferns past a large redwood tree stump. Photo by Max Forster

Put Californians back to work through conservation


Redwoods restoration can integrate climate adaptation into economic recovery As Governor Newsom and California’s lawmakers grapple with how best to mitigate impacts of COVID-19 on our lives, health and the economy, the people of our state have voted with their …

Senate bill aims for new jobs, green recovery


A new bill authored by Senator Maria Elena Durazo, SB 1296––titled the Nature & Parks Career Pathway and Community Resiliency Act––seeks to build jobs in the natural resource field by focusing on job creation and training in working class communities and communities of color.