park expansion


360-acre addition will make Armstrong Redwoods stronger


Each of California’s redwood parks is a treasure in its own right. But there’s something uniquely precious about Armstrong Redwoods State Natural Reserve. Crisscrossed by footpaths and the burbling Fife Creek, this sublime grove of ancient redwoods contains several notable giants, including the uniquely shaped Icicle Tree and the 1,400-year-old Colonel Armstrong Tree. The reserve is also one of the few intact stands of old growth within easy reach of the San Francisco Bay Area.

people crossing wooden bridge down trail in redwood forest

Rocky Ridge expands stunning Mendocino redwood park


They say good things come to those who wait. Case in point: Rocky Ridge, the first League-conserved property to be added to California State Parks in well over a decade. Last month, the state park system formally accepted ownership of …