Peggy Light

Two little red-haired children, a boy and a girl, grin as they peek at a yellow banana slug atop a log

100 Years…100 New Supporters


2018 marks a century of our work to protect and restore coast redwoods and giant sequoia. To celebrate a century of this important work, one of our board members, Peggy Light, has offered to give $100 for each of the first 100 Evergreen members. Give just $10 per month today!

Peggy Light, League Board of Directors member, gathers redwood trunk measurements while on a staff and volunteer outing.

Peggy Light: Continuing the Family Tradition of League Leadership


When she was growing up in Connecticut, Peggy Light knew Save the Redwoods League co-founder Arthur Connick as the grandfather who’d “do some kind of financial stuff in New York, then pop up at our house.” She remembers him being …