sinkyone wilderness

Photo by Jack Dykinga

Indigenous Perspectives Are Crucial for Conservation


After many years protecting Tribal lands and waters, and a lifetime in close relation with nature, why isn’t it easier for me to convey these concepts and perceptions? A deep tension persists between the things my heart knows and the fluency required for sharing them.

Usal coast. Kenneth and Gabrielle Adelman

New 2.3 Mile Addition to #LostCoast Trail Offers First Public Access in 100 Years


The spectacular #LostCoast hiking trail, the longest roadless stretch of land in 48 contiguous states, will grow by 2.3 miles to 60 miles at its southern end in Mendocino County when new the Peter Douglas trail opens. Douglas was the former Executive Director of the California Coastal Commission for 26 years and co-authored the Coastal Act. This year is the 40th anniversary of the California Coastal Act of 1976.

Shady Dell

Building upon a Legacy of Success


“I appeal to you to save these mighty trees, these wonderful monuments of beauty.” —Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States of America   As staff at Save the Redwoods League, it is both humbling and inspiring to have …