
Felicia Marcus. Photo credit: California Water Resources Control Board

Felicia Marcus Promotes Protecting the Forest to Save Water


California’s Water Resources Control Board has a broad purview, overseeing water rights, regulating groundwater, and maintaining and enforcing standards for drinking water. And that’s just what they do as a critical partner with Save the Redwoods League in forest lands management and watershed restoration efforts.

Add your voice to keep our beloved monuments intact, including the pictured Giant Sequoia National Monument. Photo by William Croft

Speak Up for Redwoods


The League’s century of shaping public policy has protected California’s iconic coast redwood and giant sequoia forests for everyone to experience. At the start of our second century, Save the Redwoods League is counting on your voice to continue this work as public policies face change. Learn about two funding sources that need your vote and voice, and get an update on threats to our national monuments.