California voters to decide on $10 billion climate bond

League supporters helped put crucial funding on November ballot

Visitor hiking in redwood forest
A hiker strolls through Grizzly Creek Redwoods State Park. Prop 4 includes funding for nature-based climate solutions and the restoration of California’s beloved state parks. Photo by Max Forster.

While question marks remain around the November election, one thing is certain: Californians will have the chance to vote on a historic $10 billion climate resilience bond—now referred to as Prop 4—which the state legislature approved on July 3.

If passed, Prop 4 would fund agencies and programs that protect our air, water, local communities, and public lands from immediate climate threats, while building long-term resilience for the Golden State.

“Climate change isn’t waiting for better budget scenarios, and this climate bond will directly and immediately improve our resilience,” says League president and CEO Sam Hodder. “This investment will more than pay for itself by minimizing the impacts and losses of future climate-driven events.”

Save the Redwoods League is celebrating the announcement, having partnered with a broad coalition of conservation groups and our supporters in rallying lawmakers to finalize and approve the bond measure. Funding for the League’s land protection, forest restoration, and climate resilience projects is deeply tied to state conservancies, which are subject to year-to-year budget fluctuations and looming cuts. Passage of Prop 4 would ensure consistent, dedicated funding for these nature-based solutions and other critical efforts across the state.

A crystal clear creek runs past green ferns and over river stones.
$3.8 billion in Prop 4 funding would go towards ensuring that all Californians have access to clean, safe, and affordable drinking water. Photo courtesy Cal Poly Humboldt.

Bond funding would address issues that are top of mind for the many Californians facing extreme heat, polluted air and water, and the ongoing threat of wildfires. A top-level breakdown:

  • $3.8 billion — safe drinking water and resilience to drought and floods
  • $1.5 billion — wildfire and forest resilience
  • $1.2 billion — mitigating sea level rise and building coastal resilience
  • $1.2 billion — biodiversity and nature-based solutions
  • $850 million — clean air
  • $700 million — park creation and outdoor access
  • $300 million — sustainable farms, ranches, and working lands
  • $450 million — extreme heat mitigation

These allocations include funding for fish and wildlife conservation, habitat restoration, watershed improvements, youth climate workforce development, equitable outdoor access, trail expansions, and the California State Parks system—including park restoration, deferred maintenance, and the acquisition of new redwood park lands.

The League applauds California lawmakers for championing this crucial investment in climate resilience, including Senator Ben Allen (D), author of SB 867, and Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia (D), author of AB 1567, which informed key elements of the final climate bond.

Polls show a majority of California voters supporting the bond, though its passage or failure ultimately depends on how many conservation-minded voters turn out on November 5. It’s time to start talking to friends and neighbors, spreading the word, and drumming up support. The health and resilience of our local communities and treasured redwood forests depends on it.

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Paid for by Save the Redwoods League 

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About the author

Kristina Malsberger works to enliven the conversation around conservation as the Writer/Storyteller & Editor at Save the Redwoods League.

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3 Responses to “California voters to decide on $10 billion climate bond”

  1. Robert Bowen

    Same question as Barbara. This may be the most pressing environmental mess in CA.

  2. Barbara Kilpatrick

    I will vote yes. We all appreciate all green companies who save the redwoods. Please keep Tahoe blue…

  3. Barbara Mitchell

    Does this bond also allocate funds to help clean up the Tijuana River and the South Bay Area of San Diego County that is being affected by it? And why has Gov. Newsom not declared it an emergency and applied for Federal funds to help with this issue? Thank you.


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