Help protect redwoods by voting ‘Yes’ on Prop 68 in June!

Vote Yes on Prop 68. Photo by Max Forster
Photo by Max Forster
Save the Redwoods League is part of the statewide coalition working to pass the Clean Water and Safe Parks Act, or Proposition 68, which if approved by voters will bring critical investments to California’s redwood forests. You can help protect redwoods and enhance our beloved redwood parks by voting “Yes” on Prop 68 in June.

The Clean Water and Safe Parks Act is a $4.1 billion funding measure authored by Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles), President Pro Tempore of the California State Senate, and it will appear on the June 5, 2018, ballot as Proposition 68. The bond measure will help address some of California’s most pressing water, parks, and natural resource needs. Since a dedicated funding source of this kind has been many years in the making, many of California’s forests, rivers, parks, and playgrounds have been on a lifeline without the critical investments needed to make them resilient to a changing climate and ready for a growing population.

If approved by voters, Proposition 68 would enable the League to invest further in protecting redwood forests, caring for our existing redwood parks while improving access to them, and restoring forests so that they capture and store more carbon and improve water resources. Proposition 68 includes $20 million in funding that would directly support the protection and restoration of old-growth and second-growth coast redwood forests. This is a new source of funding prioritized by the California Legislature through discussions with the League. In addition, the funding measure includes investments supporting our work to enhance the visitor experience at the 100 redwood parks in California, including improved interpretive elements, enhanced access, and better trail networks.

Proposition 68 celebrates what is best about California, including our beautiful redwood forests. Stand with the League and join our campaign to support Proposition 68 today and learn how you can take action!

Paid for by Save the Redwoods League.

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About the author

Shelana recently joined Save the Redwoods League as the Director of Government Affairs and Public Funding. She has a strong track record helping national and statewide nonprofits develop partnerships, lead campaigns and initiatives, and secure public funding to achieve their missions.

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