Planting redwoods in Redwood National Park

Redwoods Rising dives into first phase of multi-year planting project

redwoods rising planting quinn
Volunteer Quinn Ozaki-McNeill shows off a seedling. Photo by National Park Service.

The Redwoods Rising team last month planted about 50 trees along Prairie Creek within Davison Meadow in Redwood National Park, piloting a larger planting project that will be carried out over the next three years. The goal of this project is to enhance the riparian corridor along this stretch of Prairie Creek where currently only a very thin strip of vegetation exists. This program will consist of larger planting events each fall which will likely include Redwood Rising representatives, hired crews, and volunteers. Approximately 300 trees will be planted in 2022, and 700 in both 2023 and 2024.

Redwoods rising planting bendali
Humboldt State University student volunteer Sara Bandali preps a seedling for planting. Photo by National Park Service.

The December planting involved staff from the League, Redwood National Park (including interns), Humboldt State University Capstone students, and volunteers. We planted coast redwood, Sitka spruce, willow, cascara, red alder, and big-leaf maple. 

About the author

Since 1918, Save the Redwoods League has protected and restored redwood forests and connected people with their peace and beauty so these wonders of the natural world flourish.

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2 Responses to “Planting redwoods in Redwood National Park”

  1. AC

    Any more volunteers needed? If so, can you include contact info? Thank you

    • Garrison Frost

      Not sure if they are looking for more volunteers right now. We’ll ask and post opportunities as they come up.


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