east bay

A man with a beard and glasses standing in front of a park sign with a car in the background

Wishing our friend Bob Doyle at EBRPD well as he retires


After starting as a ranger at East Bay Regional Park District and becoming its general manager, Bob Doyle retires after 47 years of looking after many of the Bay Area’s most treasured landscapes.

A Native History of the East Bay Redwoods


From forests to creeks to trails, every natural space has a past that predates our conventional history books. Few people today realize that the hills of the East Bay were once home to coast redwood forests of incredible stature. Living among them were the Ohlone people.

Campfire Program: The Magnificent Redwoods of the East Bay


Join us for after-dark fun! Learn about the beautiful redwoods around you through games, songs, photos and stories around the campfire. Even if you’re not camping, you’re welcome to join us for the program! Dress warmly. WHEN: July 7, 2018; …

Redwood forest trail

How Open Space Can Bring Us Together


In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, the National Park Service offered free admission to its parks on Monday. I hope you were able to take advantage, because visiting a park — whether national, state, or neighborhood — is …

East Bay Redwood

The Last Redwood of the East Bay


High above the sprawling city, the heat from rooftops and roads casts a shimmering haze mirrored by the ocean beyond.  Here, rising above the oak and bay forest, its trunk twisted and scarred by centuries of wind and fire, it …