education program

Humboldt County fourth grader measures a coast redwood in Humboldt Redwoods State Park Photo by Max Forster, @maxforsterphotography

Students blossom by learning outside


As the pandemic destabilizes funding for outdoor programs nationwide, the League’s free K-12 field trips to the redwoods nourish bodies and minds. Curriculum units combine classroom exercises, outdoor activities on schools’ campuses, and field trips, while lessons integrate math, science, and art.

Counting Banana Slugs


The League’s education program brings thousands of students to the redwoods every year. Students may look at redwoods differently, but one thing that unites them is their love for finding and counting banana slugs.

Students participate in the League's Exploring Your Watershed program.

“Best of” List for 2017


As 2017 comes to a close, it’s that time again for the “best of” lists to come out. Best movies of the year, best music, etc. So here is my own “best of” list for the past year.

NEW Educational Materials Now Available


We are excited to unveil our new coast redwood and giant sequoia educational brochures, “Life in the Coast Redwoods” and “Our Giant Sequoia Forests.” Save the Redwoods League has been working hard on these educational resources and are eager to share them with you.

High school students get hands-on experience studying climate change in the redwood forest at Purisima Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve.

High School Students as Community Scientists


If you ask high school students what the impacts of climate change have been, they can tell you that the polar ice caps are melting, that we have extreme weather, and that California has been in a drought for the past few years. But if you ask them how climate change will affect our forests and the plants and animals that live in them, they find it harder to come up with an answer.

Two children walk down a fern-lined path in a foggy redwood forest

Smallest Kids, Tallest Trees


A highlight of my job is visiting the many education programs that we support through our redwood education grants. This year we supported 24 parks, schools and non-profits so they could bring over 6,000 students to our beautiful redwood forests. …

(HSU) interns, Shawna and Jake, conducting weekly plant monitoring.

Looking for the Forest in Bloom


While many people were searching for brightly colored eggs this past Sunday, I spent my Easter hiking in the forest looking for trillium and rhododendron flowers. As I walked along the Lady Bird Johnson Trail in Redwood National Park, I …

Photo courtesy of Vida Verde

Exploring a Redwood Forest with Kids


A few weeks ago I traveled an hour south of San Francisco to the town of San Gregorio to observe a group of fifth graders from Oakland begin their adventure at an outdoor education center, Vida Verde. During this visit …