
Young trees grow in a pot in the foreground. Other potted trees are in the background.

How wildfire changes the world underground


When a wildfire burns through a forest, it can leave behind a charred and seemingly lifeless landscape. But before long, seedlings sprout in the burned, black soil—the promise of a renewed forest. What kind of forest will it be? Which …

When We Can’t See the Trees for the Forest


Guest bloggers Doug and Joanne Schwartz – League members and dedicated volunteers – are serving this summer as our Redwood Explorers-in-Residence, exploring the northern parks, and ground-truthing and mapping the groves of ancient forest they find. Along the way, they’re documenting the many …

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In an early version of a now-famous passage, John Muir wrote, “When we try to pick out anything by itself we find that it is bound fast by a thousand invisible cords that cannot be broken, to everything in the …

Coral fungus in the redwood forest.

There’s More Than Meets the Eye to Forest Fungi


Did you know that winter rains cause fungi to reproduce in the redwood forest?  Mushrooms are the most visible parts of the fungal body and grow up out of the soil so that the wind will disperse their spores.  When …