Tracking forest recovery at Big Basin Redwoods State Park
onCameras will document forest recovery at Big Basin Redwoods State Park
Cameras will document forest recovery at Big Basin Redwoods State Park
What determines when shrubs bloom? The study of seasonal life cycle events such as this is called phenology, and gathering long-term data on these cycles is the focus of the California Phenology Project (CPP). Collecting data is simple, and anyone can participate. For the past couple of months, I’ve been tracking some plants in Redwood Regional Park as part of the Redwood Phenology Project by Save the Redwoods League and the East Bay Regional Park District.
Summer solstice reminds me of nature’s seasonal cycles and excites me for what’s to come. The study of these seasonal cycles, phenology, is used by the League in our science and education programs.
Through our Redwood Phenology Project, we are collecting data on how our redwood forest plants are changing with climate.
For many of us, time on the trail is a treasured respite from the constant connectedness of our day-to-day lives; a chance to get away from technology and be unreachable for a while. But there are many who see that …
The Bay Area is a pretty amazing place to live, but one complaint I often hear is about the lack of seasons. We never really get cold, snowy winters, or cool, crisp falls with vibrant leaf colors to take our …