
Black and white photo of a forest next to a dry creek, with hikers in the distance

War stories from the 1960s redwoods conservation movement


Photographer and activist Dave Van de Mark helped to establish Redwood National Park by documenting the story of the forest. 50 years later, he is photographing the same places he helped to protect, in a stunning reflection on 50 years of transformation in the forest.

Visitor hiking in redwood forest

Behind the Lens: Max Forster Protects the Redwoods and Finds Healing Through Photography


Capturing the grandeur of our coast redwood and giant sequoia forests is no easy task. Many of the League’s most epic shots are courtesy of Max Forster, who, by our standards, is the ultimate redwoods enthusiast. Forster has been shooting nature photography for 10 years. His favorite subject: the coast redwood.

Redwoods photo by David Baselt

How to Take Great Photos in the Redwoods


The first rule of nature photography is to take in the scenery before you begin snapping shots willy-nilly. This will give you a feel for the scenes you want to capture. Once you have an idea of a few photos you’d like to get, set up for them and take your time with each one. The intention behind your images will show through when you get home to view them.

Yosemite Valley – 1866. Photo by Carleton Watkins

The Power of Photography: Connection and Conservation


For almost a hundred years, Save the Redwoods League has been protecting and restoring redwood forests and enabling people to connect with their peace and beauty. Photographers and painters began connecting people to redwoods decades earlier, beginning with Carleton Watkins’ …

Nature Photography: Pretty Pictures or So Much More?


Photography can be a powerful tool for change. It can inspire and inform us and broaden our horizons. A photo can tell a story or impart an emotion in ways words simply cannot. Ansel Adams elevated the art form of …

Redwoods Photos: View & Vote!


“The redwoods, once seen, leave a mark or create a vision that stays with you always. No one has ever successfully painted or photographed a redwood tree. The feeling they produce is not transferable. From them comes silence and awe. It’s not …