redwood forest

Steve Cheney and I enjoy a break on the Lawrence Merriam Memorial Grove bench on the Little Bald Hills Trail.

It’s the Moments


On Friday afternoon I met Steve Chaney, the superintendent of Redwood National Park, in the small visitor center at Hiouchi in Del Norte county. After 39 years with the National Park Service and five years at Redwood National Park, Steve …

Elk Clover. Photo by Keir Morse

A Healing Giant among Redwoods


Meet a fascinating plant of redwood country: elk clover, also known as California spikenard (Aralia californica), is the only member of the ginseng family that is native to California.  It’s a perennial deciduous plant (meaning it sheds its leaves in …

Redwood Regional Park

Learning from Our Predecessors’ Vision


Last week I hiked the French Trail in Redwood Regional Park to take in the quiet of early morning in our neighboring redwood forest. Every time, I appreciate the wisdom, foresight and tenacity of those who preserved these redwoods and …

Close up of Long Meg and her Daughters

The Redwoods in Prehistory


One of the things I enjoy when I’m in England is playing “spot the redwood tree.” It’s really pretty easy. I once read that if you ascend any church steeple in England and scan the horizon, the tallest tree is …

Miner’s lettuce (Claytonia perfoliata)

The Hunger Greens


Montia perfoliata The forest stretches out for miles all around you. You find a large redwood tree that has been hollowed out at the base by ancient fires to sleep in tonight so you can stay out of the wind …

Shady Dell

Building upon a Legacy of Success


“I appeal to you to save these mighty trees, these wonderful monuments of beauty.” —Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States of America   As staff at Save the Redwoods League, it is both humbling and inspiring to have …

Fires and humans shape redwood forests.

Impact of Humans on Forest Spans Thousands of Years


Imagine being the first person to set foot inside the redwood forest. I can picture this visitor pushing through lush ferns as they gazed up at the towering trees. This brave explorer would have no trails to follow as they …