tree rings

Young visitor looking at tree rings

How old are these redwoods, really?


It’s the question that usually comes right after the one about height: “How old do you think this redwood is?”
And in many ways, the answer to this second question can be even more stunning than the first.

The fallen Pioneer Cabin Tree. Photo by Save the Redwoods League

Tree Ring Analysis of the Pioneer Cabin Tree


California State Parks and Save the Redwoods League are collaborating to study the fallen Pioneer Cabin Tree in Calaveras Big Trees State Park to learn about its long life and the environmental changes within the forest over time.

A giant step for understanding redwood tree rings


Today, Redwoods and Climate Change Initiative scientist, Allyson Carroll, shares her perspective on how she decodes the history of redwoods from tree rings. Imagine finishing a massive puzzle, one involving nearly half a million pieces and taking years to complete… it feels …

Dendrochronology: The Glue that Binds RCCI


The first phase of the Redwoods and Climate Change Initiative was based upon understanding how past climate has affected the ancient redwood and giant sequoia forests.  To do this, the research teams relied upon the science of dendrochronology: the analysis of …

Climate Change Discoveries Make Media Splash


You may have heard about the surprising discoveries of the League’s Redwoods and Climate Change Initiative (RCCI) program, which drew unprecedented media coverage yesterday. Did you see the coverage in the San Francisco Chronicle, the San Jose Mercury News, the …

Visitors to Muir Woods can see the dates of redwood tree rings.Visitors to Muir Woods can see the dates of redwood tree rings.

2013: Exploring the calendar year, fiscal year, and tree-ring year


What is it about the annual cycle that resonates deep within us? Long before most of the world began using the Gregorian calendar as the civil calendar (first decreed by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582), humans used other calendars to …

Redwood tree cores.

Cross-section of a redwood tree?


Since I was a little girl, I’ve enjoyed standing next to the large cross-section of redwood trunk on display at the entrance of Muir Woods National Monument. It boggles my mind that this redwood started growing in the year 909 …