visiting the redwoods

Explore Coast Redwoods eguide

Your New, Free Eguide to the Coast Redwoods, Just in Time for Summer


No matter what you like to do outside, an unforgettable experience awaits you, your friends and family in California’s redwood parks. Nothing compares to standing in the cathedral-like groves, next to trees whose beauty and size is almost beyond belief, witnessing golden light filtering through the canopies, and seeing fairy-tale blankets of redwood sorrel and trillium on the forest floor. Our new, free Explore Coast Redwoods eguide can help make these experiences yours.

Aiden Conway visit the redwood forest for the first time.

My First Encounter with the Giants


The fresh, salty air hung heavy as I wound my way south along the coastal highway with expansive vistas of the Pacific Ocean stretching across and meeting the blue sky infinitely far away. I’m on my way to see the giants I’d dreamed about since I was a kid. Could it be true? Entire cars driving through a tunnel in a tree trunk? No way.

Getting there isn’t always half the fun — but these resources can help!

Handy E-Resources for Redwoods Trips


Want to hike or camp in the redwoods?  Don’t know where to go, don’t have a car, or need a last minute camp site? Or maybe you don’t want to go alone, or are wondering if your dog will be …

The PORTS program connects students to their state parks through videos and interviews with a park ranger. Photo courtesy of California State Parks.

Visit a Redwood Forest… from Your Classroom!


When students learn about a threatened plant, animal or environmental community, their desire to help often kicks in. They contribute to the cause by writing letters, raising money, and educating others about the issue. Once raised, their awareness can last …