
Be a Park Champion for Humboldt Lagoons State Park


Be a Park Champion and help remove invasive plants to restore sensitive habitat in the Stagecoach Hill Azalea Preserve. Free camping available for preregistered volunteers Friday and Saturday at nearby Patrick’s Point State Park. Email [email protected] for camping info. Kids …

Oracle Employees Take to the Forest


Since about 92% of the redwood forest is second and third growth, restoration will be a key strategy. Restoring young forest so that it can become old growth once again is essential for the future of conservation. Restoration at San Vicente Redwoods started recently with a volunteer day. Twelve volunteers from the Oracle Corporation spent the morning pulling invasive weeds amongst the redwoods in the Santa Cruz Mountains.

When We Can’t See the Trees for the Forest


Guest bloggers Doug and Joanne Schwartz – League members and dedicated volunteers – are serving this summer as our Redwood Explorers-in-Residence, exploring the northern parks, and ground-truthing and mapping the groves of ancient forest they find. Along the way, they’re documenting the many …

Forest of Nisene Marks State Park.

30,000 Volunteers Help Keep California State Parks Running!


. . . so reported Major General Anthony L. Jackson, Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR), to the State Parks Commission last Friday morning.  That is a lot of volunteers! If those 30,000 volunteers were to lie …