California State Parks Week is here–let’s have fun!
onCalifornia State Parks Week starts June 14.
California State Parks Week starts June 14.
By breaking ground, partners are writing a new chapter for a former Orick redwood mill site at the confluence of Prairie Creek and Redwood Creek. For decades the mill site has remained as a scar on the landscape, a reminder of that misguided past. Now that’s changing. The League has begun restoring the site and constructing a southern visitor gateway to Redwood National and State Parks.
It is now well past time to rethink those memorials to League and to tell the whole story.
I’ll never forget my first time visiting a redwood forest. Even though I was born and raised in California, I didn’t see a redwood in real life until I was well into adulthood and I went to Muir Woods National …
A hike through Harold Richardson Redwoods Reserve reflects the League’s vision for linking diverse populations with the restorative power of redwood forests.