California State Parks Week

A group of Asian Pacific American schoolchildren climb on the base of a large redwood

How Redwood Rides helps close the nature gap


By eliminating the largest barrier between underrepresented communities and redwoods parks—lack of transportation—Redwood Rides not only expands outdoor access, but also inspires the next generation to care about the ancient forests.

A man in a state parks uniform leads a group of young people in a dance

Which California State Parks Week activity will you choose?


Will you hike through the redwood forest by starlight? Try out Qi Gong or forest bathing? Participate in a beach cleanup or a bioblitz? Whatever you fancy, there’s a fun way to participate in the third annual California State Parks …

Redwood tree rises through the canopy

Top 15 League achievements of 2023


As we approach the end of 2023, we find ourselves contemplating yet another remarkable year at Save the Redwoods League. Our gratitude extends to our wonderful partners, members, and supporters who make possible the essential efforts of safeguarding and restoring …

A hike through Portola Redwoods State Park.

Video: Your redwoods playground


A day trip to Portola Redwoods State Park highlights just a few of the fun things you can do in the redwoods.