Video: What happens when a redwood falls
onwhen a redwood tree falls in the forest
when a redwood tree falls in the forest
John “Griff” Griffith has become a celebrity for his videos for California State Parks.
Of more than a million acres burned, wildfires have burned approximately 72,000 acres of coast redwood forest during the August Lightning Siege of 2020. Roughly 9,000 acres of this has been in old-growth redwoods.
When you drive north on Highway 101, just past the small town of Orick, you will begin to marvel at the giant redwoods of Redwood National and State Parks. There is no sign letting you know you have arrived; you just slowly become shaded by the great canopies towering above you.
Sixth-graders trundle off buses and into a sun-speckled redwood forest. It’s terra incognita for most of them. But they are in good hands with educators from LandPaths, a Sonoma County organization supported by Save the Redwoods League education grants program …
You can’t train people to do what Gordy Stephens does. Or rather, you can train them – provided you can spare more than 20 years for the teaching process and your trainees demonstrate an aptitude for heavy equipment that borders …
When she was growing up in Connecticut, Peggy Light knew Save the Redwoods League co-founder Arthur Connick as the grandfather who’d “do some kind of financial stuff in New York, then pop up at our house.” She remembers him being …
As inspiring as the redwood forest can be, it is even better when shared. We know the inspirational surge that our favorite redwood places engender; it’s why we keep going back. And it is why we bring our friends there …
As surprising as it may seem, the shaded areas on park maps indicating different kinds of habitat and vegetation do not always reflect the reality “on the ground.” This is true for Redwood National and State Parks, which contains a …
Have you ever thought about what it takes to take care of protected land at the landscape scale? Most of us don’t manage areas of land much greater than our own backyards — it’s difficult to think on the scale …
Good news is not always easy to come by in regards to the redwood forest. Whether it is the threat of development, water diversion or unsustainable logging, bad tidings are all around us. Even though they’re not always obvious, there …
Just a short drive southwest of San Jose lies the beautiful Portola Redwoods State Park. A few years ago, the park — which shelters some of the tallest, most majestic redwoods in the Santa Cruz Mountains — was threatened with …
Did you know that Earth Day is the world’s largest civic observance? Every year, it’s celebrated by more than a billion people in 192 countries. On Earth Day, I like to take some time to simply appreciate the natural beauty …
A recent discovery has been making headlines around the world: Trees don’t grow more slowly as they get older as was previously assumed. Rather, the older the tree, the faster it bulks up! This rapid growth in old age is …
The ability of redwoods to heal themselves is almost as remarkable as how incredibly tall they grow. Amazingly, coast redwoods can heal over a wound when they are injured from fire, are damaged by the wind, or even are cut …
I recently drove eastward through the many vineyards of the Napa Valley in search of coast redwoods living on the species’ eastern boundary. Given how widespread redwoods used to be on planet Earth, the edges of the natural redwood range today …
Last week, I spent some time wondering broadly about our recent RCCI results, and just whether we could say for certain that 1) climate change is spurring an increase in redwood growth, and 2) if that change is “good” for …
High above the sprawling city, the heat from rooftops and roads casts a shimmering haze mirrored by the ocean beyond. Here, rising above the oak and bay forest, its trunk twisted and scarred by centuries of wind and fire, it …
This week I explored Cemex Redwoods in the Santa Cruz Mountains with my colleagues. I’d been there many times, but this time felt different because I walked into corners of the expansive property that I hadn’t seen before. During my …