
A person in a rain jacket walking a dog in the wet redwood forest

Delights of the rainy season in the redwoods


Recent showers have kicked off the rainy season in the coast redwood range, bringing fresh, earthy scents, the patter of drops on fronds and leaves, and the enchanting sights of waterfalls, newts, and fungi. It’s a great time to enjoy …

Twisted redwood bark. Photo by Patricia VanEyll

Redwoods in the Rain: Exploring Henry Cowell State Park


There are those who have been grousing about how much rain we have gotten the last few months, but after witnessing the verdant grass languish under the Golden State sun last summer, I am grateful for it. Because of my affinity for rain, the promise of another rain shower after weeks of nearly constant rain didn’t dissuade my husband and me from continuing with our plans to visit Henry Cowell State Park.

Rain drops glisten on a fence post after winter rain.

Bracing for Rain


For millennia the redwoods have stood tall, facing west as they look out across the vast Pacific Ocean—an ocean that brings fog in the summer and rain in the winter.  Earlier this week the first storm of the season rolled …