redwood education

Giant Sequoia PORTS® Program


Experience the giant sequoia groves at Calaveras Big Trees State Park and engage directly with League scientists and State Park professionals through the Giant Sequoia Parks Online Resources for Teachers and Students (PORTS®) K-12 Distance Learning Program. PORTS is a …

NEW Educational Materials Now Available


We are excited to unveil our new coast redwood and giant sequoia educational brochures, “Life in the Coast Redwoods” and “Our Giant Sequoia Forests.” Save the Redwoods League has been working hard on these educational resources and are eager to share them with you.

Unstructured Nature Time for Oakland Students


When children have unstructured play time in nature, they are better observers, they ask questions, and they become more comfortable with their surroundings. Despite its benefits, all too often, unstructured play time is limited for kids today, especially in the outdoors.

LandPaths' In Our Own Backyard program serves 900 students each year.

Bree Arthur, LandPaths: Getting to Know Nearby Nature


Sixth-graders trundle off buses and into a sun-speckled redwood forest. It’s terra incognita for most of them. But they are in good hands with educators from LandPaths, a Sonoma County organization supported by Save the Redwoods League education grants program …

Students conduct scientific investigations of redwood trees as well as explore the forest in Little Basin.

How Best to Help Kids Learn About Nature?


Environmental educators are always juggling what, how much and how long to teach students in nature. Do you let students explore and observe a forest on their own, or do you give them more structured activities? Do you introduce sophisticated …

Deborah Zierten worked with junior high students from San Francisco to document species at Muir Woods during BioBlitz. Photo credit: Tonatiuh Trejo-Cantwell

BioBlitzing with students!


On March 28th, over 4,000 visitors and volunteer scientists arrived at Muir Woods National Monument ready to learn, discover, and explore this absolutely amazing redwood forest. Thousands more visited the Crissy Field Center for the Biodiversity Festival. Whether or not …

View of the coast redwood canopy. Photo by Stephen Sillett

BioBlitz is Here!


The time we have been preparing for during the past few months, BioBlitz 2014, is finally here! For the next two days you will find us at Muir Woods National Monument and the Crissy Field Center as we explore, learn, …

Photo courtesy of Vida Verde

Exploring a Redwood Forest with Kids


A few weeks ago I traveled an hour south of San Francisco to the town of San Gregorio to observe a group of fifth graders from Oakland begin their adventure at an outdoor education center, Vida Verde. During this visit …

Time to Get Our Kids Back Into the Forest!


For many people, September symbolizes the start of school: time to pack away the camping gear and get out the pencils, paper and backpacks. Vacations in the redwoods come to a close and are replaced by the routine of shuttling …