redwood plants

in a snowy forest, a man in a bright red jacket is drawfed by the massive reddish-brown trunk of a giant sequoia

“12 Days of Redwoods” a sing-along for forest fans


Imagine a small child, eagerly unwrapping a holiday package—and discovering the toy of their dreams. That wide-eyed wonder. That giddy excitement. It’s how many of us at Save the Redwoods League feel when we step into a redwood forest. Like …

Elk Clover. Photo by Keir Morse

A Healing Giant among Redwoods


Meet a fascinating plant of redwood country: elk clover, also known as California spikenard (Aralia californica), is the only member of the ginseng family that is native to California.  It’s a perennial deciduous plant (meaning it sheds its leaves in …