Do You Want to Move State Parks Forward?

Save the Redwoods League does. In this fast-changing world, we either move forward or we are left behind.

The Coastal Trail, Last Chance section, Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park. Photo by David Baselt
The Coastal Trail, Last Chance section, Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park. Photo by David Baselt

California’s state parks house some of the world’s most treasured natural resources, including large portions of our beloved redwood forest.  We visit and enjoy our state parks when we gather to play with family and friends, to learn about nature and to enjoy the quiet of the forest.

California’s Parks Forward Commission is charged with charting a new course for the California State Parks.  Our President, Sam Hodder, recently shared the League’s initial ideas about how to move forward:

  • More secure and adequate funding for operation and maintenance and natural resource protection
  • Improved facilities to meet the needs of our expanding and changing populace
  • Effective and efficient processes for working with organizations like the League, which bring additional financial resources and expertise to benefit State Parks

The League wants to hear your ideas too.  Please leave a comment with your observations and suggestions for improving our redwood state parks!

About the author

Harry joined Save the Redwoods League’s staff in 2011 as the General Counsel. He brings over 30 years of experience in the fields of law and real estate transactions.

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3 Responses to “Do You Want to Move State Parks Forward?”

  1. Harry Pollack

    Kelly, thank you for your response and suggestion! Redwoods keep me sane (sort of) too. You are not alone on the dogs-on-trails issue. Other dog-owner trail users raised it at the Parks Forward workshops. As State Parks staff explain it, there is a trade-off between protecting resources and enjoying parks with our loyal canine companions. Although dogs are not allowed on trails, they are generally allowed in developed areas, including campgrounds, on-leash. Your comment highlights one of the toughest questions facing people like you who love the redwoods: how to best preserve and protect the redwood forest and connect people with its peace and beauty. Thank you for continuing to support that vision. And stay sane.

    Simona, thank you for your response and list of priorities. I agree wholeheartedly. Public funding for personnel, repairs, maintenance and updates to the buildings and other important infrastructure are essential. Park support organizations – local and organizations like the League, with the generous and enthusiastic support of our members, have and will supplement that base level. Thank you for lending your voice to that effort.

    Thanks again for your feedback!
    Harry Pollack

  2. Simona

    I agree with your ideas. I assume personnel is part of operation and therefore covered by the first idea you list. I think that our parks need funds for trail and habitat restoration, and for all the repairs that were put on hold in recent years. Then I think that the visitor centers need modernizing and need funds to ensure adequate staffing.

  3. Kelly Doyle

    The Redwoods keep me sane and I have supported State Parks for decades. Though, ever since inheriting a dog, I am now banned from hiking ALL trails in state parks, as I always take my dog camping with me. This has been devastating. Even ONE trail per park would be immensely helpful. Is this too much to ask? I now support federal wilderness areas where my dog is allowed to hike with me.


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