Defiant Redwood of the Week: Candelabra redwoods

Shady Dell’s ‘Enchanted Forest’ is all about adaptation

Candelabra redwoods demonstrate a unique way of adapting to challenging environments.
The candelabra redwoods at Shady Dell are like no redwoods you’ve ever seen. Photo by Jen Charney.

Coast redwoods are notorious survivors. After all, they live to be thousands of years old and grow to tremendous heights.

But there are some coast redwoods that go to the next level, and that would have to the so-called candelabra redwoods of the League’s Shady Dell property.

Ravaged by wind and salt air, these trees could have just grown small or laid down low – heck, they could have just fallen over. But no – these trees just decided to roll with it and figure out a way to flourish in unfriendly conditions.

We see their multi-trunk craziness and wonder at how delicate they look. But to the trees themselves, their crazy multi-trunk tangle is all about survival. These are redwoods, after all, and they plan to be here a while.

At a time when we’re facing untold challenges in our own lives, the candelabra redwoods can teach us a thing or two about adapting for the future.

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About the author

Garrison Frost is the League's former Director of Communications.

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