Author Archives: Sam Hodder

President and Chief Enthusiast for the Outdoors (CEO) of Save the Redwoods League, Sam brings more than 25 years of experience in overseeing land conservation programs from the remote wilderness to the inner city.

Westfall Ranch’s 77 acres include a stunning second-growth redwood forest.

Westfall Ranch: Enhancing the Ancient Headwaters Forest


In the scenic redwoods country near Eureka, California, lies Headwaters Forest Reserve. You might remember Headwaters as the subject of a very contentious, very public, decade-long struggle in the 1990s to protect ancient redwoods from continued logging. When you walk among its massive, moss-draped giants, it’s easy to see why so many people fought so hard for their preservation.

Stephen Mather, father of the National Parks Service and a founder of Save the Redwoods League. Photo courtesy Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks

Stephen Mather’s Inspiring Story and Indelible Legacy


Within the span of a couple of years, Mather had helped found the National Park Service and Save the Redwoods League: two organizations that would go on to safeguard millions of acres in hundreds of parks. In spite of frequent poor health, Mather helped get both organizations off the ground by devoting huge amounts of his time, energy, and personal funds; even paying rangers’ salaries out of his own pocket.

Your 2015 Accomplishments in Photos


Thanks to your thoughtful gifts, we have accomplished so much this year! These achievements are a direct reflection of your generosity and support.

Cathedral Grove at Muir Woods National Monument. Photo credit: Tonatiuh Trejo-Cantwell

Obama Calls for Action on LWCF


In his weekly radio address on Saturday, the President issued a call to action on the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). Please, join the President, the League, and others across the country in encouraging LWCF renewal.

How My Family Backpacking Dream Came True (And Yours Can, Too)


I can think of no wilder adventure than spending a week exploring the Yosemite backcountry with three teenage boys. With my oldest son heading into his final year of high school, I decided to go all out this summer in search of a truly epic, life-changing, never-to-forget experience that my sons and I could share.

Enjoy summer’s sun-dappled trails, like this one in Purisima Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve. Photo by Julie Martin

How to Have the Best Summer Ever


Life is already too short to waste on speed. I have a friend who’s always in a hurry; he never gets anywhere. Walking makes the world much bigger and thus more interesting. You have time to observe the details. – …

You’re Invited! Hendy Woods Celebration


For decades, Hendy Woods State Park has been a favorite destination among locals and visitors for camping, hiking and swimming among gigantic 1,000-year-old redwoods. With trails winding through not one but two ancient redwood groves and the Navarro River flowing by, …

Breaking Ground to Extend Lost Coast Trail


On the windswept Northern California coast is one of the most rugged, remote and wild places in the state. Great expanses of forest meet wildflower-carpeted bluffs before plunging from rocky cliffs to long, deserted beaches. Here, you can find solitude …

The Funny Thing About Trails…


It’s a funny thing about trails. For me, they carry a lot more significance than their linear simplicity would imply. Not just because I know firsthand what it takes to build them, but because through every phase of life and all …

In 1972, President Nixon signed into law "An Act to Establish the Golden Gate National Recreation Area," which now includes Muir Woods. Photo by Stephen Kennedy, Flickr Creative Commons

Losing Ground: Are America’s Public Lands at Risk?


America’s public lands are a treasured shared value.  Treasured, it would appear, by all but the U.S. Senate responsible for safeguarding them. Regardless of where we live in this country, of our social status, financial means, or political perspective, our …

Video: See an Historic Grove Restored to the Public


Have you ever thought about what it takes to take care of protected land at the landscape scale? Most of us don’t manage areas of land much greater than our own backyards — it’s difficult to think on the scale …

Robert Earle's 'Sunset Through The Redwoods', honorable mention in the 2013 Know Wonder Photo Contest.

Best Redwoods Moments of 2014


Happy New Year, friends! I love this time of year, because the holidays mean time outside with friends and family. No matter where our lives may take us, my family is connected by the special places of our past, and …

Big River-Mendocino Old-Growth Redwoods. Photo by Mike Shoys

Opposites Attract: Saving Giant Redwoods and a Pygmy Forest


Thanks to your support, we were recently able to purchase and permanently protect Big River-Mendocino Old-Growth Redwoods! Having been in the business of protecting redwoods for nearly a century, you’d think the League would have been involved in every kind of …

Thanksgiving Greetings and Post-Turkey Hike Ideas


Happy Thanksgiving, friends of Save the Redwoods League! I’ll keep this brief because I know you have important things to attend to today — like turkey, pie, quality time with loved ones, and of course, pie. But there is no …

Tell Congress You Support Conservation and Recreation


At a time when conservation work is increasingly complex and challenging, success typically means that hundreds of things had to go just right. But every now and again, all of those hundreds of little things that add up to successfully …

Through the Woods with a Ranger and a Poet


As inspiring as the redwood forest can be, it is even better when shared. We know the inspirational surge that our favorite redwood places engender; it’s why we keep going back. And it is why we bring our friends there …

Creek in the redwoods

The Evolution of a Park


Save the Redwoods League was established in 1918, and 96 years later, we have quite the vantage point to look back and see how things have changed. It’s the nature of things, for people and organizations alike, that we don’t …

Top 10 Forests to Explore this Fall


The fall has always been my favorite season. Maybe because it means winter is coming — I love the snow — or because the memories are still fresh from a great summer, or because of the reminder of the cycle that will start up …