
In 1926, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. discusses redwoods conservation with Save the Redwoods League leader Newton Drury. David Rockefeller is pictured on the front, right side.

Conservation, Then and Now


For decades, the rallying cry of conservation has been, “Buy land — they’re not making any more of it!”  And since 1918, that’s what Save the Redwoods League has done: bought land to protect old-growth groves for future generations. Now, …

Bringing Back the Big Trees


A recent discovery has been making headlines around the world: Trees don’t grow more slowly as they get older as was previously assumed. Rather, the older the tree, the faster it bulks up! This rapid growth in old age is …

Photo by Paolo Vescia

A Prescription for Parks


“It is a scientific fact that the occasional contemplation of natural scenes of an impressive character, particularly if this contemplation occurs in connection with relief from ordinary cares, change of air and change of habits, is favorable to the health …

Redwood forest trail

How Open Space Can Bring Us Together


In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, the National Park Service offered free admission to its parks on Monday. I hope you were able to take advantage, because visiting a park — whether national, state, or neighborhood — is …

Grizzly Creek Redwoods State Park is stunning and secluded. Photo by David Baselt.

Redwood Resolutions


It’s a brand new year, and with it comes the inevitable New Year’s resolutions. Like many people, I plan to eat a healthier diet and exercise more (sure, and let’s see how long I last!). Besides those, here are some …

My “Best of” List for 2013


As 2013 comes to a close, it’s that time again for the “best of” lists to come out.  You know—the best movies of the year, the best music, etc. Since I started my job here at Save the Redwoods League …

Favorite Photos of Redwoods in the Snow


Happy Holidays! I hope you are enjoying time with loved ones. Winter is an incredible time in the redwoods, and nothing embodies the peace and beauty of the holiday season like a redwood forest cloaked in snow. Here are some …

Knowing Nature: The Best Gift Ever


This is a joyous and peaceful time of year, whatever your belief system. It is a time when the world seems to collectively pause and remember what is truly important, whether family and friends, health and peace, or places of …

Lions in the Santa Cruz Mountains


It was close to dusk when we crossed the stream, heading deeper into the forest along an old logging road. We were touring the areas of CEMEX Redwoods where restoration reserves are to be established, assessing conditions and discussing strategies …

The Future of Redwood Conservation


Much has been said about the importance of old-growth redwood forests. Their superlative beauty, their mind-bending longevity, their capacity to sequester carbon, and their ability to inspire peace, awe, and contemplation are all reasons why our commitment to their protection …

Photo courtesy of Vida Verde

Exploring a Redwood Forest with Kids


A few weeks ago I traveled an hour south of San Francisco to the town of San Gregorio to observe a group of fifth graders from Oakland begin their adventure at an outdoor education center, Vida Verde. During this visit …

John D. Rockefeller Jr. and Newton Drury, Secretary of Save the Redwoods League, pictured here on the right, enjoy California’s redwoods in 1926. Both men did a great deal to protect redwood forests.

Celebrating the Past and Future of Our Parks


In 2014, California State Parks (CSP) will be 150 years old. The park system has come a long way in that time; from the first park at Yosemite to the 280 parks that currently make our system the largest in …

Critical Conservation at Strybing Botanical Garden


Not many people know this, but I can trace my career as a redwood conservation scientist back to Strybing Botanical Garden in San Francisco. It was during a field trip to Strybing in 1998 that I sat and sketched plants …

Are You a Scientist?


If you search on Google images for “scientist,” you get a lot of photos of men and women with unkempt hair, white lab coats and goggles. If you ask a child what they think a scientist looks like, they will …

a cluster of ladybugs on a log

A Surprise in the Forest


Hiking through the forest is often meditative for me. The familiarity of the trees, the sound of the birds, and the smell of the plants allow my mind to wander and ponder life. But sometimes I am stopped in my …

Fire Season


Along with spring, summer, autumn and winter, California has a fifth season – fire season.  After a couple of dry winters, the current fire season in California is predicted to be one of the most intense on record.  Habitats from …

Strengthened Relationships Key to Conservation Success


Stronger alliances and more collaboration are key for better protection of northern California’s farms, fish and forests for future generations.  That message resonated with the passionate conservation professionals attending the California Council of Land Trusts’ (CCLT) recent California Northern Region …

Share and Share Alike


In an early version of a now-famous passage, John Muir wrote, “When we try to pick out anything by itself we find that it is bound fast by a thousand invisible cords that cannot be broken, to everything in the …

Skunk Train Stories


There is only one place you can enjoy the last remaining “motorcar” train choo-chooing through a forest of giant, ancient redwoods: the Skunk Train in Mendocino County! Built as a logging railroad in 1885 for moving giant, felled redwoods to …

Summer Reading in the Redwoods


I’m preparing for a backpacking trip in Yosemite next weekend. It will be my first visit to the park, and it includes homework! I’m going with a friend who suggested that we both read John Muir’s My First Summer in …