Author Archives: Save the Redwoods League

Since 1918, Save the Redwoods League has protected and restored redwood forests and connected people with their peace and beauty so these wonders of the natural world flourish.

A black and white historical photograph of Laura Perrott Mahan, a white woman with dark, curly hair in a dark victorian-era dress

A family tree takes root in conservation


A pioneering organizer inspires her descendants to protect redwood forests. More than 100 years ago, Eureka’s Laura Perrott Mahan helped galvanize the movement to protect old-growth redwoods in danger of being clear-cut. In recent months, dozens of Mahan descendants and friends continued her legacy by supporting Save the Redwoods’ work to protect coast redwoods — raising funds to help the League purchase Atkins Place in Mendocino County.

Smith River

Six picturesque places to paddle in the redwoods


Traveling on foot, wheels, and hooves are some ways to see the world’s tallest trees, but there’s nothing like paddling past magnificent coast redwood forests on beautiful rivers. These are the realms of playful river otters, magnificent ospreys, and at …

Aerial view of Lost Coast Redwoods

Forever Forest: The Campaign for the Redwoods Raises $139 Million in Private Support to Protect California’s Coast Redwood and Giant Sequoia Forests


Save the Redwoods League today announced that its Forever Forest Campaign raised more than $139 million, surpassing its five-year goal of $120 million. More than 50,000 individuals and organizations from around the world contributed to the campaign toward conservation across the coast redwood and giant sequoia ranges.

A hike through Portola Redwoods State Park.

Video: Your redwoods playground


A day trip to Portola Redwoods State Park highlights just a few of the fun things you can do in the redwoods.

Portrait of Jennifer Tapken

Save the Redwoods League Names Jennifer Tapken as Chief Operating Officer


Save the Redwoods League today announced that Jennifer Tapken has been named chief operating officer. Tapken will oversee and direct all aspects of the League’s human resources and operations needs while advancing the organization’s diversity, equity and inclusion values. Tapken brings more than 15 years of human resources and operations experience to the growing nonprofit, one of the country’s oldest conservation organizations.